Category Archives: 熟語

Keep you postedの意味 (keep someone posted)

Keep you postedの意味は、

“keep someone informed (of the latest developments/news), update, keep up to date, “

“to make sure that someone always knows what is happening”

“to make sure you know what is happening”



The lawyer kept us posted about our lawsuit.

The worker kept the manager posted about the inventory.










“I’ll keep you posted about the ad campaign.”

“Please keep us posted about the contract negotiations.”

英語の文法練習はこのテキスト・Understanding and Using English Grammar with Audio CDs and Answer Key (4th Edition)をお勧めです。文法の参考書は、こちらのガイド・Practical English Usageも実用的です。私も両方レッスンで使っています。

Doing one’s businessの意味(スラング)

ビジネス英会話でちょっと避けたい表現・熟語は、「Doing one’s business… doing his business… doing her business…. etc」です。

Doing one’s businessとは、スラングで「用便する」という意味です。

The dog is doing his business on my neighbor’s lawn.



Mr. Miyagi is doing his business down the street.



Mr. Miyagi does business down the street. 等です。

英語の文法練習はこのテキスト・Understanding and Using English Grammar with Audio CDs and Answer Key (4th Edition)をお勧めです。文法の参考書は、こちらのガイド・Practical English Usageも実用的です。私も両方レッスンで使っています。

Comprised ofとcomposed ofの違い



Compriseto contain/to includecomposeto make upでしたね。


では、composed ofmade up ofの意味です。


The class was composed of 23 students, 4 dogs, and a ferret.


しかし、comprised ofはどうでしょう?


Contained of?? 何か変ですね。


The school contained of/included of 50 classrooms. 変ですね。


The school was comprised of 50 classrooms. 変です。



Be comprised ofは熟語としてありますが、文法的に避けた方が良いと言われています。


The school was composed of 50 classrooms. OKですね。

英語の文法練習はこのテキスト・Understanding and Using English Grammar with Audio CDs and Answer Key (4th Edition)をお勧めです。文法の参考書は、こちらのガイド・Practical English Usageも実用的です。私も両方レッスンで使っています。

Willとbe going toの使い分け。どっち?

Willbe going toどっち? 使い分け、難しいですね。英語の学習でよくある質問です。






The sun will rise tomorrow.


If you drop the vase, it will break.



未来の事について、何かを根拠に推測する時は、be going to を使います。


The traffic is horrible. You’re going to be late for your meeting.


There are no clouds today. It’s going to be a nice day.


He didn’t study at all for the exam. He’s going to fail.



未来の事について、自分の意見をベースに予想する時は、will を使います。


I think the Liberal Democratic Party will lose the next election.





I’ll meet you here at 4pm tomorrow.


Will you help me with this assignment?



未来の予定・何かもう計画していた事は、going to.


A: The test tomorrow will be very difficult.

B: Yes, I’m going to study all night.


A:Do you have any plans for your vacation?

B: We’re going to just stay home and relax.





A:What would you like to drink?

B:I’ll just have water. Thanks.


A:I cant open this window!

B:I will help you with that.



何かが今すぐ起こりそうな時は、going to.


Get out of here! This building is going to collapse!

英語の文法練習はこのテキスト・Understanding and Using English Grammar with Audio CDs and Answer Key (4th Edition)をお勧めです。文法の参考書は、こちらのガイド・Practical English Usageも実用的です。私も両方レッスンで使っています。